A landing page is as the name says

Just be sure to measure and monitor, so that the investment in your channel makes sense, 2, Landing Pages Landing Pages 2,1, What is it: A landing page is, as the name says, a “destination page” (or landing page, in literal translation), Basically, it is a page creat to receive specific visits, Typically, landing pages are structur to address only one piece of content that interests a specific persona, And they also have a clear objective in relation to user conversion; In other words, they are different from a website , which normally displays different products and nes to deal with different audiences, 2,2, What is the objective: The most common purpose of a landing page is to receive visits acquir through sponsor links.

Channels are segment by audience

Typically, campaigns carri out on paid mia channels are segment by audience, region, interest, product, among other factors, In other words, when clicking, the person expects to access content in line with the ad’s targeting, And, if you take this user to a website that offers different products and tries to address multiple interests, it is very likely that the person who click will lose patience and not convert , right? The landing page mitigates this risk, offering content link to the campaign, and directing the user to the desir conversion (calling, filling out a form, purchasing, etc,), Furthermore, having conversion-focus landings simplifies conversion optimization (CRO) work, which  new data we will talk about below, 2,3, When to invest: The use of specific landing pages is recommend when there is a campaign aim at a specific segmentation.

Measuring landing pages is relatively simple

Whether bas on audience, product, region, interest, among others, The origin of visits does not necessarily have to be sponsor links, but can also come from social mia strategies, email marketing, offline mia, etc, In other words, keep your website as a macro channel, your central point of contact, But if your company wants to optimize conversions, consider having landing pages to talk surgically with your audience, 2,4, How to measure the result: Measuring landing pages is relatively simple, as the goal is usually conversion, Primary indicators can be: total conversions; conversion rate; cost per conversion (pulling the cost of generating traffic), Such numbers will clearly indicate  UAE Phone Number whether your investment in landing pages is positive or negative, 3, CRO (Conversion Optimization) CRO (Conversion Optimization) 3,1, What is it.

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