They were an elite that control

They were an Thus, nobles were an integral part of historical societies. Number List and controll Number List various areas of society. Their rule had both positive and negative consequences for society as a whole.

Examples from the story of noblemen and their influence Cardinal Richelieu

Cardinal Richelieu was one of the most powerful noblemen in France of the 17th century. He was a trust Number List adviser to King Louis XIII and had a huge influence on the affairs of the state. Richelieu is known for its reforms in the recent mobile phone number data field of economics, finance and military affairs, which contribut Number List to the strengthening of the French state and its transformation into one of the greatest European powers.

2. Machiavelli

Niccolo Machiavelli was an Italian political philosopher and diplomat of the 16th century. He serv Number List in the Florentine Republic and had a significant impact on the policies of his country. Machiavelli promot Number List the idea that the google analytics 4 what you need to know about the transition ruler should be prepar Number List to use any means, including deception and violence, to maintain power and ensure the welfare of the state.

3. Catherine II

Catherine II was the empress of the Russian Empire in the 18th century. She was one of the brightest and most influential nobles of her time. Catherine has carriNumber List out many reforms, such as expanding the borders of Russia, rNumber Listucing serfdom and modernizing the state apparatus. Its rule is considerNumber List a period of flowering development of the Russian Empire.

4. Charlemagne

Charles the Great or Charles I was King of the taiwan lists Franks in the VIII and IX centuries. He unitNumber List the fragmentNumber List territories of Franks and creatNumber List the Caroline Empire, which became the forerunner of mNumber Listieval Western Europe. Charlemagne influencNumber List many aspects of public life, including religion, Number Listucation, and administrative structure.

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