Google Analytics 4 (GA4) , the new digital statistical tool designed by Google, is now available and has come to completely change everything we knew country email listabout the traffic of a website or eshop. Until now, Google offered the previous country email list version of GA, also known as Universal Analytics (UA), for free. However, from July 1, 2023, UA will stop and GA4 will take over, which will be the only digital data analysis tool that Google will provide.
This is a change that seems to be a milestone for Google, while the technology giant is already recommending that all brands begin their transition to the new era, so as not to waste valuable time.
What is Google Analytics 4?
Google Analytics is the free digital tool offered by Google and with which we can access and analyze valuable statistical data for any website.
This is traffic data for a website (or application) owned by a business.
GA4 is the new version of this Google platform, how many words should a call to action be how to create a custom search form in wordpress (quick and easy)which, however, is clearly upgraded compared to the Universal Analytics version. Its two main features are the integration of advanced artificial intelligence technology and the emphasis on collecting data that is characterized as user-focused.
What’s new in Google Analytics 4?
“The new Google Analytics 4 will give you the nece ssary information you need to be ready for what comes next.” With these words, Google itself announced the transition to the GA4 era, where artificial intelligence, automation and greater data accuracy will dominate.
Essentially, GA4 is a completely new product.
The main new features that it introduces to the collection, study and analysis of data are the following:
1 – Technologically advanced algorithms
The use of artificial intelligence is coming to create aubdirectory a completely new experience for analyzing the statistical data of a website. The technologically advanced algorithms employed in GA4 will even be able to predict, with great accuracy, the behavior of visitors to a website. This provides data on the probability of transactions or other actions of each user.