One of the first tasks that editors and managers

Focus on quantity and not quality . What makes a blog stand out is not how much you post, but what you post. Managers who commit to content that adds value and leave aside the dynamic of mandatory publication stand out in the digital world. When a post is made just for the sake of routine, it will alienate more than it will attract. Let’s talk less and fill the blog with valuable content, that is the best strategy available. 4. Errors in management the last of the error-sensitive areas is management. There are many possible errors in it: from the publication of an unfortunate comment to a simple spelling mistake.

This decision must be made during

 Any of these can cause a low reading and, above all, a poor business lead return rate. In this section, the errors that carry the greatest danger for the attraction and retention of readers are three: inconsistent publication frequency . One of the first tasks that editors and managers of a blog face is establishing the publication frequency – every few hours or days will new content be published on the blog? This decision must be made during strategy planning and executed during management. There should be no gap between what was planned and what was executed.

The editorial calendar will prevent

To avoid inconsistency in the frequency of publication, it is essential to design an editorial calendar that regulates the periods of presence and absence of new content. The editorial calendar will prevent visitors from becoming frustrated by low publication frequency or from becoming saturated when it is high. Little attention to interactions . Another reason that keeps readers away from the blog is the administrators’ low attention to comments. A blog needs those who manage it to be ready for conversation and willing to answer questions.

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