Marketer’s Guide to Amazon Ads

To understand the benefits of marketing on Amazon. Just take a look at its most Marketer’s Guide recent financial results . It is the third largest digital advertising platform in North America after Google and Facebook. In 2021 it had the biggest selling shopping weekend in history. In the that highlight clothing, beauty, home and toys among the best-selling categories. With such a potential opportunity. It’s hard to resist the urge to start. 

The Three Main Types of Amazon Ads

Amazon has a number of product categories allowed to use Sponsored Products . And in addition executive data to falling into the allowed category. Products must also be eligible for the Buy Box. Which is the section on the right side of the product details page. To be visible as a sponsored product. Categories that are not allowed to use Sponsored Products correspond to adult products. Used products. Refurbished products. Since these ads have the brand as a focal point, they include a link that takes the customer to a personalized landing page or even to the branded Amazon store itself. 

Sponsored Products

Sponsored Brands ads are  that promote up to three products and one Amazon store. Specific keywords to Marketer’s Guide attract customers. Sponsored Brands ads build brand awareness among customers researching product options. Which translates into product sales. These are large UAE Phone Number banner ads that display at the top of an Amazon search results page. They include a brand logo. A personalized tagline or slogan. Next to or within search results, and on product pages.

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