Learn about this behavioral assessment mechanism and how it can be useful in your management efforts

Working with people management is not easy, after all, you have to deal with different styles,

generations and profiles in the same team, in addition to getting the most out of each professional to

increase work productivity and achieve the company’s goals .

The good news is that there are some tools that can make this task more efficient, such as DISC.

Based on an evaluation based on four pillars, you can, for example, identify how a certain professional

can fit into your team or even what they should do to be more productive. In practice, it is a method of

evaluating collaborators and, of course, the work carried out by your team.

So, how about delving a little deeper into this topic, learning about the DISC assessment and knowing

how to work with the behavioral profile of the professionals in your team? Below, we will put forward

some ideas that may be valuable for this task:

How does the DISC test work?

What is the purpose of DISC?

What are the best tips for dealing with the behavioral profile of employees?

Why is it important to know your behavioral profile?

You want to know more, right? Then, continue reading and clear up all your doubts about this concept!

What is the DISC test? learn-about-this

The DISC test is a tool that allows the europe cell phone number list identification of the dominant

profile of the individual, and is frequently used in the Human Resources sector to understand the

characteristics of a company’s employees.

It is based on the theory of the four behaviors, created by Maston. Therefore, it is composed of

questions about personal characteristics, with the aim of guiding the result to one of the four matrices

that the psychologist bets on:





Basically, it can be said that the evaluation is based on psychological factors that help evaluate human

behavior, taking into account the profiles and patterns that predominate in a certain type of environment.

The person being evaluated can answer the questionnaire by hand or using specific software.

The assessment responses help managers, recruiters and HR analysts to study the behaviour patterns

and characteristics that predominate in an employee or candidate for the vacancy offered and, in this

way, detect what can be improved.

What is the impact of behavioral profile on the company? learn-about-this

In an increasingly competitive 9 must-have newsletters for any business. examples and tips for creating environment, which includes digital transformation and extremely demanding consumers

regarding what they buy – whether products or services – companies must do everything to qualify.

For a manager, this means making the most of your budget and allocating the resources

available to your team in the best possible way .

This work is not just about finding the best tools and processes or adopting the most efficient Digital

Marketing strategies , for example.

After all, your team is made up of people and deciphering that behavior can be vital. Understanding

how to motivate collaborators and what their profile is is a necessity.

What’s the point of having fully qualified professionals if, in practice, they don’t perform sufficiently?

The reasons for poor performance can be diverse, such as adaptation to your

company’s organizational culture or even the employee’s ability to perform a certain role or not. That’s

why the DISC assessment can be useful.

In addition to remuneration, lack of recognition, professional stagnation and low productivity are the main causes of employee dissatisfaction in different Latin American countries.

In other words, these are problems that can be solved by understanding the behavioral

profile of employees . After all, placing each professional in a position that is more suitable for

him, for example, will increase his productivity and satisfaction in the work environment, also helping to retain the company’s talents .

What are the 4 behavioral profiles of the DISC assessment? learn-about-this

The concept of DISC first appeared in find list the late 1920s in the book The Emotions of Normal

People, written by psychologist William Moulton Marston, the same creator of Wonder Woman.

It is one of the most precise evaluation tools and attempts to better understand the behavioral

pattern of individuals . It can also contribute to improving internal communication and

understanding between professionals on your team.

Motivation, management, guidance, in short, the possibilities of using DISC are the most varied. But

in practice, what does this acronym mean? Dominance, Influence, Stability and Compliance ,

which are the 4 behavioral profiles used within this concept and, therefore, we are going to explain what each one means.

Dominance learn-about-this

The first indicator shows how the professional behaves in challenging situations or when solving problems. Normally, this competence is highlighted for those who have characteristics such as competitiveness, determination, demand and control over certain situations.


On the other hand, influence reflects how the individual acts in relation to other members of a team or clients , for example. In practice, it represents the ability to exert influence over other people, whether to obtain a job vacancy or to make a sale. Persuasion , optimism and enthusiasm are its main characteristics.

Stability learn-about-this

This profile is related to reactions to standards, routines and, of course, the ability to deal with changes, for example. Loyalty, persistence, team spirit and consistency are the main descriptors of this factor.

Compliance learn-about-this

Discipline, precision, analytical and careful work are common characteristics of those with this profile. Compliance is an indicator of how the professional reacts to what others establish, such as rules and processes within a company.


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