For clarity, speaks of the achievements of AI. The American company Vicarious, which specializes in developing software for artificial intelligence systems, develop an algorithm back in 2013 that allows in 90% of cases to correctly determine the CAPTCHA security code. This is an automat test that any Internet user encounters almost every day, in most cases this security code looks like a sequence of distort or camouflag letters and numbers, and is us to differentiate living people sitting at a computer from computer programs.
The Vicarious algorithm is bas
On a technology another example call Recursive Cortical Networks. Essentially, it’s a visual perception system that interprets the another example image it’s processing in the same way the human brain processes incoming visual information. University of California researcher Stefan Savage said CAPTCHA-bas protection has been breach many times, including by cybercriminals. “If you haven’t chang your CAPTCHA code in two years, you’re in the crosshairs of some machine vision algorithm,” he said.
What is surprising is something else
The publication writes, the development of AI was slow down by cheap labor. That is, it was more expient for criminals to pay small money to hir workers for breaking CAPTCHA than to invent complex AI algorithms or pay highly qualifi specialists for their development.
Other AI-bas technologies are also czech republic whatsapp data attracting the attention of criminals. These include Apple’s Siri and Microsoft’s Cortana (voice recognition technologies) us to interact with computers; Amazon Echo (a voice-controll speaker); and Facebook Messenger (a platform that lets you communicate with chatbots). These are all new types of communications that, as they gain popularity, are becoming channels for another example e-commerce and customer support. Naturally, they could soon become the targets of modern-day Moriartys.
Investigative reporter
Brian Krebs argues that 3 essential optimizations when it comes to ux companies that offer their customers tech support via chat platforms are using social engineering by default. The latter is consider by science as a practice of manipulating people’s actions and another example can become the most vulnerable link in computer security. Cybercriminals are already exploiting the best human qualities – trust and b2b fax lead a willingness to help others – for their own nefarious purposes. The creation of AI-controll avatars train to manipulate human behavior will further aggravate the problem.