What’s good about junior specialists

My name is Konstantin Tarachev and I am the technical director of the IT company arcsinus. We have been developing digital products for business for nine years. Every time I list our customers, including Sportmaster, Herbalife, Citymobil, ROLF, Dodo Pizza and other brands that are “native” to Russian residents, I remember those who started their professional careers in these projects with virtually no work experience.

All these years, we have regularly

Hired juniors with minimal or literally zero relevant experience. I personally take direct part in the selection, interviews and training of newcomers, so I am ready to tell you about the specifics of working with juniors.

The undeniable advantage of asia mobile number list newcomers is their high efficiency. At first glance, the idea is paradoxical: what efficiency can an inexperienced employee have? You need to invest a lot of effort and work in him before he starts to bring benefits. Yes and no. I have seen many times how the lack of hard skills was easily compensated by initiative, the desire to develop and help the company. Such employees rarely have to be “pulled”, they are more often ready to work themselves and do not run to the manager with any issue. They are their own motivators.

Of course, as a about junior manager I have to invest time and effort into a newbie, but the investment usually pays off. One hour of my time brings four hours of work of a newbie analyst with visible results.

Another argument in favor of hiring a young employee

they adapt more easily. A newcomer quickly accepts the company’s culture and values, fits into the team and becomes a loyal employee. At the same meeting individual customer needs time, most likely, you will not have to fight accumulated prejudices, traumas, stereotypes and entrenched behavior patterns. With age comes the burden of negative experience, and sometimes it prevents afb directory you from adapting to new conditions. Young people are less likely to carry this burden on their shoulders.

For most about junior juniors, arcsinus is their first place of work, and we try to make it a truly comfortable place. They perceive their first team as a family, remain loyal members for a long time, and bring benefits.


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