Along with the development of these technologies
Ethical norms are also being develop to curb the destructive power of AI, directing it to serve the common good of humanity. In the past, such prominent figures in science and business as Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates and Elon Musk have express concerns about AI, their main idea being the following: following Criminals Will a hypothetical scenario, further development of AI technologies could open Pandora’s box – and AI will become the dominant form of life on Earth.
While researchers are guessing about
The consequences of using AI, The croatia whatsapp data New York Times has another unattractive area of activity for conspiracy theorists Criminals Will where AI will be in demand – criminal. It will look something like this. You will receive a call on your phone, where a voice, exactly like your relative (for example, a brother or sister), will ask for your help. Perhaps he will lure out your bank details, or, even worse, drag you into some kind of trap. For now, such a “prank” resembles scenes from science fiction, but do not delude yourself, the key word here is “for now”.
In September, DeepMind developers announc
the creation of a new system usability: does investment generate returns for companies? call WaveNet, which is capable of imitating the human voice. Most computer synthesizers, as a rule, use a pre-compil database of short fragments of speech record by a person. New Criminals Will are form from fragments – this is how, in particular, voice assistants Siri or Alexa work. The disadvantage of this method is that it is b2b fax lead very difficult to change the sound of the voice later. Other synthesizers use a more flexible approach, generating speech directly on the computer, but it feels like the text is spoken by a robot, not a person.