which is counterproductive

It is this part that Lacan recall in a letter to Jenny Aubry is counterproductive .  “The residual function that the conjugal family supports (and at the same time maintains) in the evolution of societies, highlights the irrucible nature of a transmission is counterproductive  .

which is of a different order than that of life according to the satisfaction of nes – but which is of a subjective constitution, implying the relationship to a desire that is not anonymous. It is according to such a necessity that the functions of the mother and the father are judg. Of the mother: insofar as her care bears the mark of a particulariz interest, even if it were through her own shortcomings. Of the father: insofar as his name is the vector of an incarnation of the Law in desire. » [1]

The family no longer is counterproductive  draws its

existence from the transmission of ideals and identifications. It remains indispensable for the subject, for the speaking being , to extract it from anonymity and to offer it a transmission, singular, particular. This transmission is locat precisely at the very place of non-relationship, at  phone number list the very place of each person’s discoveries to get by with the ups and downs of existence. It is in the very language specific to each person that this encounter with the unspeakable is convey. It is in  the ultimate wordpress seo migration checklist (for beginners) his family that the subject is confront with these first bursts of lalangue which will give a particular turn to what will constitute his own.

Both the creation of “Hand to Ear”

[2] and the Affinity Therapy conference [3] allow us to grasp what we had already notic in Nonette without being able to formalize it. Some families and some autistic people cannot bear that the particularity of the subject is reject, ignor, put aside, in favor of the constitution of a normality embracing all the gestures of life. What Myriam Perrin has done is to name what constitut a common interest between parents.

but to ally ourselves with some vietnamese offer  families and some autistic people to assert a method other than that of totalitarian normalization, respect for the interests and inventions of autistic people.

which obviously resonates with the liberal option specific to current governments. ” Affinity therapy is the strength of a nomination. Affinity therapy becomes the common denominator, not of a method, but of a know-how with the autistic person, in the respect and singularity of his invention to be in the world.” [4]

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