What is Google Tag Manager and what is it used for?

Google Tag Manager, also What is Google known as GTM, is a What is free tool from Google that allows us to simplify the insertion of scripts, HTML code and tracking pixels on our website, allowing us to track and measure any milestone that occurs on it: visits, sales and other conversions user behavior, etc.

Google launch this tool at the end of 2012 and has made it available to users completely free of charge in an attempt to make the work much easier and faster when carrying out the technical implementation of code that any website nes. With the aim of analyzing and properly monitoring visits to the website through the management of tags and other elements.

Google Tag Manager: What is it for? 

Although its benefits are What is Google numerous. Many companies and website owners still do not know about or use this tool.

That is why with this post we want to help you understand how it works. To be clear about what Google Tag Manager is for and to encourage its use.

Difference between using or not using Google Tag Manager

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How does Google Tag Manager work?

Whenever we talk about adding small pieces of measurement code. It is necessary to have the necessary knowlge to be able to perform that action.

However, if we use Google Tag Manager. It is not necessary to have much knowlge of code implementation or management of the tool to start using it.

This tool has three differentiating elements that it works with and which we should know:

  • Tags: These are code fragments that allow us to measure and track visits, count conversions, etc. These tags are responsible for collecting and sending tracking data to a system such as Google Analytics. An example of these tags is the conversion that is record in Google Analytics every time the user fills out a form. Google Tag Manager already has some default tags.  Relat to various online marketing campaign tracking and management products, and we can also add any other HTML or image tag if it is not relat to the above.
  • Triggers: These are the rules that determine whether a tag will fire or not.
    For example, we could create a contact form conversion and it will only fire once the user reaches the “Form Submitt Successfully” page. In short triggers are us to process events and control when a tag is fir or block.
  • Variables : These are the values ​​that will be us in both triggers and tags. Variables are us in triggers to define the filters ne to activate a specific tag. And these variables are us in tags to capture dynamic values. Whenever a tag is creat or configur with its variables and triggers, it is necessary to SAVE and SEND for it to work correctly.

Whenever you create or configure a tag with its variables and triggers. You ne to SAVE and SUBMIT it for it to work properly.

Steps to follow to implement Tag Manager

To use this free tool effectively and efficiently, it is necessary to follow a series of previous steps before using it:

  1. Create an account Google account that you already have iceland phone number database or with a Google account that you create for this purpose.
  2. Create a container for our website or App. This container is a piece of code that will be the only one we ne to install directly on our site and that will contain “inside” all the tags that we are going to use for the measurement.

3. Install the Google Tag Manager code or container on our website or App. Insert it on all the pages of the site and right after the <body> tag.

4. Once the Google Tag Manager code or container has been creat and install on our website or App. We can begin to create and configure the tags with their corresponding triggers and variables.

To check that our tags, triggers and variables are correctly configur. Google Tag Manager gives you the possibility to test them from a preview.

To be able to access this testing, we must first SAVE and SEND the changes made to each of the Google Tag Manager elements.

Once done, in the upper right part of the tool. we will have the PREVIEW option.

In it, we must include the Web page or App where the Google Tag Manager code was first install.

This Preview is very useful as it allows us to check that everything is working correctly and that the milestones are being record without any errors.

Google Tag Manager in major CMS

If your website is built on WordPress, you are in for some good news because there are several WordPress plugins that you can use to install Google Tag Manager on your website . Here are the most popular plugins:

  • Site Kit by Google – Analytics, Search Console, AdSense, Spe: This plugin, develop by the Google team, is easy to use. It allows you to install GTM on your WordPress website in just a few clicks.
  • Google Tag Manager for WordPress (GTM4WP) : This plugin, develop by Thomas Geiger. Is a great option if you ne to integrate Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager with your WordPress website. It has many features to measure transaction data in your eCommerce.

What plugins can I use to install Google Tag Manager on WordPress?

We recommend uae cell number that you read the reviews and documentation for each plugin before making a decision. So you can ensure it meets your nes.

Install Google Tag Manager in Prestashop

To install the GTM code in Prestashop correctly and easily, we recommend installing a module. Specifically. The Google Tag Manager Premium Module.

This module, once install and activat. Allows the insertion of tracking tags from various tools into this e-commerce CMS in a very simple way:

Check that Google Tag Manager has been properly install

To verify that Google Tag Manager has been correctly install on your website. You can use the Google Chrome extension call Tag Assistant. By installing this tool in your browser. You will be able to see which scripts are active on any web page you visit.

To activate it, click Enable and Record so that it starts recording any external script that is call. Refresh your website and you will be able to see how the call to Google Tag Manager appears, among others. Because if you use Google Analytics or Google Ads Remarketing Tag. You will be able to see their codes and make sure that it is install correctly.

It is important to remember that you should always perform. This step when you have add at least one label or made a change to the container.


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