Discord has become the world’s leading online chat server, allowing gamers, business people, social groups, and just about any other collection of people to engage in voice and text chat online.
Discord works on a server model, where each group can have its own little world with unique rules, bots to add flavor, member communities, and much, much more.
Although the service is really oriented heavily around voice communication to allow gamers to coordinate their play online, the chat portion of the service is rich and full-featured as well.
As a result, Discord has become overseas data a very popular platform for a wide range of communities outside of gaming.
However, since Discord offers a variety of features and capabilities, it can take a while to learn the ins and outs of using the platform.
In this article, I will show you how to add formatting to your text chats using Discord’s support for the Markdown Text formatting system.
Understanding Markdown Text
Discord uses the “Markdown Text” formatting system, a markup language that uses plain text for formatting. Essentially, it converts what you write in plain text into HTML which is then rendere in a browser.
It allows users to just type normal full windows security scan text plus the formatting codes (which aren’t complicate or lengthy) thus producing a wide variety of visual effects with very little effort for the person typing the message.
This includes the ability to make text bold, underlined, and other similar effects.
Markdown is written in Perl, a very b2c fax popular online programming language. The basic idea of.
Markdown is that it is easier to use than HTML while producing the same visual effects, and without having to deal with opening and closing tags.
There are a number of Markdown options, and we will highlight each of the basic things you can do with this useful text tool.
The basic principle behind all of these formatting codes is simple: you put a special character or characters both before and after the text you want to transform.
Putting it before turns the effect on, and putting it after turns the effect off.
You type the codes directly into the Discord chat window, and the output that everyone else (and you) sees in the chat window is the transformed text.
Other popular websites, like Reddit, also use. Markdown to allow users to easily customize their text without having to know how to write any HTML.