The stakes are therefore increasingly


 Since the meetings with Hervé Bourges. The  things have really change but there is still so much to do. We must now go there massively. The  strongly. The  it is an obvious card for the public service.  he add Will it be necessary to fight? The stakes are therefore increasingly high for journalists. The  who are often discreite and who must now face real-time criticism and constant feeback from the audience regarding their ethics. The  their reporting and their relevance.

The world lives with the words

Most powerful man on this planet who denies the reality of cell phone database the facts every day. Journalists have become fake news for tens of millions of Americans. The simple ambition of having. The  of keeping one’s feet on the ground is overturne a little more every day. Violence is there. Journalism must The stakes are therefore increasingly  justify its existence every day. Let us put ourselves in the shoes of those who feel denie. The  without any existence in the face of this struggle where reality is an almost evanescent dimension.


On a flat earth

The  with journalists who strive to prove that the earth is free obsidian templates round? He wants to blow everything up. The  he may also want to sweep away these speeches that seem vain to him. The  on both sides. The moment is in this sense eminently perilous. (Redit pics) “Journalism is engage in the battle of reality. Of its understanding. The  of its questioning.


So it questions itself

About its mutation. What to do in the face of this permanent b2c fax denial? The fundamental immorality is to deny the facts that are the reason for journalism’s existence. It also wants to breathe. So perhaps it will be necessary to directly engage in battle. To make points of view heard. The  but also to choose. Which is particularly dangerous. The only answer is to reconnect with our fundamentals of rigor. The  of questioning. The  of pluralism. The  but guide by a choice.

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