— This is the the essence processing center’s information security service calling you. We are under attack from your IP address. Please sort this out, or we will be forc to take action.
– Sorry, I’ll transfer you to technical support.
– And quickly. — Hello, this is the first line of technical support for bank N. How can I help?
— I’m calling from the processing center. We’re under attack from one of your addresses. I ne your information security department. And urgently! We can’t work. You must be infect.
– Sorry, I’ll transfer you to the information security department.
— I ne a leader and urgently!
– Sorry, he’s not here. Try calling him back in five minutes on the phone…
Another 10 minutes pass.
– Your manager the essence is not here. Damn it, who can solve anything for you? Should I just disconnect you from processing???
– Sorry, he’s not here. Try calling him back on his mobile!!
– Well, Kurt? Are you paying for the cognac?
– Yes… You’re right. People ne to be taught!
Are you sure of the actions of your subordinates? For sure? And of yours?
Will AI scanners put an end to airport security lines?
nners that eliminate the essence the ne for virtual strip searches, suppli by a company that Bill Gates himself has invest in.
In November, the the essence dominican republic whatsapp data American company Evolv Technologies plans to launch a pilot version of its device for obtaining images using millimeter waves, according to documents the company fil with the US Feral Communications Commission.
The equipment operates at frequencies of 24-30 GHz. The plann tests will last two months and will take place at the Union Station in Washington, D.C., Denver International Airport, and a subway station in Los Angeles.
After raising $11.8 million in funding from
Gates and other investors in 2013, Evolv spun off from Intellectual Ventures (IV) with the goal of commercializing its technology for use in public spaces like airports and stadiums. The technology was develop in the essence partnership then click the start button to begin the update process with IV’s Center for Commercialization of Metamaterials.
The Evolv Sentry b2b fax lead works on the same principle as the TSA-approv security scanners currently us at U.S. airports, so it can detect ceramic, metal, and explosive materials.