A secret you probably didn’t know about demand generation

ICPs (ideal customer profile) are the definition of the ideal customer profile.
They contain information on those customer niches that are ideal for the company.
They include not only the personal profile (buyer persona), but also the company profile (size, industry, context, etc.).

The context also defines the type of company within the ICP

Typically, in B2B, companies have several actors within the purchasing process, and the ICP must consider them all.
Who participates in the purchasing process?
What roles do each one play?
Buyer, influencer, decision-maker, sponsor, technical recommender.

What are pain points? Pain points

are the points of pain that mobilize the people who make up the ICP to take action.
The pain is the trigger, recent mobile phone number data the stimulus that makes a person react and make the decision to consult potential suppliers about the solution to a problem x.

They can also be defined as “stones in the shoe” that hinder these people within the organization from being able to achieve their area or department objectives.

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Why demand generation based on the pain points of each ICP works better

The Pain Point is the bridge chinese thailand phone number data through which our value proposition can connect with an ICP.
If I have the pain well mapped, bulk data I make sure I have a good way to “connect” with the potential client.
When I talk to that potential client, not about my product but about their problem, what I do is generate a connection based on empathy.

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