Although most of the basic events will be measured automatically after uploading the code, those tailored to our business will have to be implemented by ourselves. Currently, even the basic implementation of the ecommerce module often causes problems, not to mention non-standard implementations. A well-implemented Data Layer on the website will be a must have, and we will have to acquire more programming skills. Due to the fact that the tool is still new, popular CMS are not ready for it yet.

Often without access to the website’s code

Implementation of GA4 will simply be enhanced-ecommerce/most-asked-questions-dotyczace-google-analytics-dla-sklepow-idosell/ To migrate or not? Since we already know the advantages and disadvantages of the tool, one more question whatsapp mobile number list remains: should we switch to GA4 now? The answer is yes and no. The lack of data continuity means that the sooner we implement GA4, the better. However, the tool is new enough that we should not rely on it alone. Google suggests to use dual tagging (parallel tracking.

It is simultaneously configuring GA4

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Developing these settings and discovering new meanders of analytics, but also maintaining the current way of reporting via a web service, i.e. Universal Analytics. Thanks to this, we will be able to learn new methods of measuring data and compare the results with both Google Analytics and Google Analytics 4, without any consequences for the previously UAE Phone Number collected and optimized data. Marketing channels. How to implement affiliate marketing? In this article you will learn: how to start cooperation with an affiliate. What should you pay attention to in affiliate marketing. What is affiliate management, why it is worth starting affiliate activities with Promo Traffic.