Meeting at the client’s premises

The situation is that the head of the marketing department and the business owner are not satisfi , with the number of applications coming in. They would like to change something in the work of the site to increase the number of people studying in the studio.

To make a wish come true, you accurate cleaned numbers list from frist database ne , to define the IFR: each visitor to the web resource signs up for a trial lesson. Then you ne , to find a contradiction that prevents you from getting this result. In the situation describ , above, there may be several contradictions:

  • the site cannot withstand the load due to the large flow of visitors: when a potential client tries to leave a request, the system crashes;
  • people don’t see group challenges in managing after-sales repair requests classes in the type of yoga they prefer;
  • Visitors do not have information about the school’s instructors, so they do not want to study under their guidance.

To identify the contradictions, you ne , to get more information.

This can be done, for example, by using site statistics, talking to potential students, etc. Then it will be possible to establish the main contradiction and find its source. If people do not purchase a subscription for regular classes because they do not see the type of yoga they are interest , in on the site, the reason may canada cell numbers be poor community management on the social network or the lack of the necessary description on the site.

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Next, you ne , to neutralize the contradiction

– improve the quality of content in the group or on the site. It is enough to post an attractive description of the classes once, and it will bring new students to the school for a long time.

There are several impressive stories in business where the use of ICR gave good results. For example, Henry Ford’s company had a department where a team work , that servic , technical equipment. The owner paid these employees not for the amount of time spent on repairs, but for the periods when the equipment did not ne , restoration. This approach was an excellent incentive for the high-quality work of the team’s specialists.

How to achieve multiple growth in traffic and sales from your website?

Dmitry Svistunov

Head of SEO and Development

Read more posts on my personal blog:

I have always been concern , about the issue of moving to a fundamentally new level. So that the indicators would grow not by 2 or 3 times, but by several orders of magnitude. From a thousand visits to ten thousand or from ten thousand to a hundr , thousand, if we are talking about a website, for example.

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