Market segmentation. Beyond the target audience

Understanding consumer behavior. That is the goal of market segmentation . However, today. Consumers increasingly make their purchasing decisions based on third-party opinions or have increasingly complex purchasing behaviors. Which makes it necessary to change research tools to fully understand user characteristics.


New technologies and tools have supported traditional b to c database market segmentation techniques and go beyond the definition of a target audience. Do you want to know what these tools are and how they benefit the search for the ideal client?

What is traditional market segmentation?

Market segmentation is a method of dividing potential customers into different segments or groups . These groups have similar or akin characteristics. Market segmentation helps companies offer differentiated products or services tailored to each target customer segment.


Some traditional segmentation criteria are, for example, demographic variables such as age, gender, education and occupation. Geographic variables are also interesting , i.e. where our customers live, the climate in a certain region or the size of the city. But we must not forget psychological or behavioural variables , such as personality, lifestyle, interests, price sensitivity or purchase frequency.


On the other hand, within market segmentation we find some how to design an employee gift catalog approaches that differ in the degree of segmentation that companies wish to implement . In turn, this depends largely on the available resources and business objectives.


One approach is mass marketing . This involves producing and distributing a single product en masse to the entire market. Although it has been used for a long time. This approach has no place today in a market where customers are looking for personalized products and individualized communications.


The approach of segment marketing is somewhat more segmented. It consists of dividing the market into groups with similar characteristics and needs in order to adapt the offer to these segments.


For this we have niche marketing , which differs from segment marketing america email list in that it seeks smaller markets with needs yet to be met. In other words. There is nothing on the market yet for this segment.


Finally, personalized marketing or one-to-one marketing offers an approach in which consumers are treated individually and are offered fully customized products or services. And this is where companies should focus today and rely on tools such as business intelligence to find ways to go beyond the target audience.

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