Learn how to pause and resume printing in Windows 11

A printer in Windows is a hardware device that allows you to print documents, photos, and other files from your computer. Depending on the type of printer you have, Windows allows you to connect to it via USB, Wi-Fi, or Ethernet.

When you send a print command from your computer, the printer receives the data and prints it on paper or other mia.

Starting with Windows Build 26020 (Canary Channel), a new setting was add that allows you to pause printing when the printer requires maintenance, such as replacing a printer cartridge.

Submitt jobs are stor by the spooler until the print queue is “unpaus ” by clicking the ” Resume ” button in the settings.

Pause and Resume Printing in Windows 11

As mention, users can pause and resume printing Learn how in Windows 11 using a new settings panel, starting with Windows Build 26020 (Canary Channel.

Here’s how to do it.

First, open the Windows Settings sweden phone number list app.

You can do this by clicking on Пускand selecting Настройки. Or press the keyboard shortcut ( Windows key+I) to launch the Settings app.

When the Settings app opens , tap the button Bluetooth & устройстваon the left.

Windows 11 Bluetooth and Devices Settings Page

Select the Printers & Scanners tile on the right to expand it.

The Printers & Scanners tile in the Settings app

Then select the printer you want to pause printing on to expand it.

Printers and scanners list of printers

In the Advanc Printer Settings section, select what is google analytics and how does it work? the Print tile in the Printer Settings panel and click the Pause button to pause printing on the printer.

Printers and scanners, printer pause button

Click the Resume button again to start printing.

Printers and scanners, printer Learn how resume china leads button

When finish, exit the settings applications.

This should work!

Conclusion :

This post shows you how to pause and resume printing in Windows 11. If you find any errors or want to add something, please use the comment form below.

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