Are you experiencing the error “Windows cannot communicate with the device or resource ”? This article might interest you. Imagine trying to print an important document, but your printer just gives you the cold shoulder. It’s like your computer is silent and refuses to connect to an external device or network. Not cool, right? To fix this error, this article will cover the best and easiest solutions for Windows 11.
Windows cannot contact the device or resource (Primary DNS Server)
Reasons why Windows cannot communicate with the device or resource error
Whenever this error appears in Windows, it could be due to the following reasons:
1. Network setup issues
2. Hardware issues
3. Malware
4. DNS cache corruption
5. Incorrect device drivers
Now let’s continue looking for troubleshooting solutions.
Fix Windows Cannot Communicate armenia telegram data with the Device or Resource
Fix 1: Clear DNS Cache
1. Open Command Prompt by searching for it in the Windows search bar. Make sure to open it as “Run as Administrator” by right-clicking on it.
open cmd admin windows 11
2. Click Yes on the next screen.
3. Enter the command below and press Enter:
clear dns cache in cmd
The message “Successfully cleared DNS resolver Fix Windows Cannot Communicate cache” will appear. Now try connecting the device or network to the PC again.
Scan for viruses and malware
Perform a comprehensive scan of your business fax lead system using a reliable antivirus software. Remove any identified malware and adware that may be affecting your browser’s performance. Also, consider using specialized adware removal tools in addition to your antivirus software. These tools may be specifically designed to remove unwanted adware.
Antivirus scanning
Here are some tips and tricks you can use 12 must-have seo extensions for chrome to optimize your Brave browser settings and avoid problems Fix Windows Cannot Communicate in the future. Of course, there are many more things you can do with the Brave browser to make it better for you. You can learn more about them by visiting where you can find helpful articles, guides, tutorials, videos, forums, blogs, podcasts, newsletters, social media accounts and more.