Faith in God in Orthodoxy is the basis for

Faith in God Believers seek to reveal their personal spiritual connection with God, to communicate with Him in prayer, and to receive divine forgiveness through confession and communion. An important component of faith in. God in Orthodoxy is participation in worship in the temple and following church traditions and ceremonies.

The moral behavior and spiritual development of believers. It gives comfort, hope and strength to overcome difficulties in life and to cope with sins. She calls for love for God and neighbor, for humility and selflessness.

Faith in God – deep inner experience and confidence

Which gives meaning and purpose of life to a person. It is one of the main buy telemarketing data features of Orthodox culture and is the source of spiritual self-fulfillment and transformation for many believers.

Basic concepts
Faith in God in Orthodoxy is basNumber List on a number of key concepts and principles that form the basis of creNumber List:

God – God is an absolutely incomprehensible and limitless creature, the creator and steward of everything.

Trinity – Believers in Orthodoxy

Profess faith in the Trinity, which consists of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Soul – The soul is an stay connected with regular one-on-one meetings immortal, divine and enduring part of man.
Sin – Sin is seen as a violation of God’s commandments and an attitude that separates a person from God.

Atonement – Atonement takes place

Through Christ and His sacrifice on the cross, which brought salvation and liberation from sin.
Church – The Church is the body of Christ, uniting taiwan lists believers and providing them with means of salvation and spiritual growth.

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