– Piglet, my dear, come inside. Or shall we have some tea on the terrace with your favorite pies? I just finished baking!
– Oh, my favorites? With strawberry jam?
– Yes! And with strawberry, and cherry, and even apricot. I tried my best, I knew you would come!
– Oh, auntie! How Fairy tales delicious! Can I eat some pies first, and then we can talk? It’s awkward to talk when your mouth is watering!!!
– Okay, sweet tooth! Eat to your heart’s content!
Not much time passed and only three cups of tea.
– Auntie, Hryundel’s birthday is coming soon! How is he? Is he healthy?
– He’s healthy, but what can happen to him? My son is growing up.
– What should I give him for his birthday?
– A stick, and a thick Fairy costa rica whatsapp data tales one! And not for him, but for me to educate him! He hangs out in the evenings, God knows where, and doesn’t tell me! He says he’s with the neighbor, but is the neighbor sitting at home?
– Or maybe he got Fairy tales himself a girlfriend?
– Yes, he’s still young. If only I knew where he was hanging around. The main thing is that he doesn’t get into trouble! I’m worried about him.
– Aunt Khavronya, let’s give him a smartphone? He’s wanted one for a long time, right? Let’s chip in and give it to him.
– Why does he need it? He’ll play again!
– Well, that’s good, then it will always be with him. And you and I will always know where he is.
– Wait, I don’t understand
– Well, we give him a smartphone, and I’ll also buy him an antivirus separately. And I’ll set it up, so he doesn’t waste time. And when we need it, we send an SMS to his number and we get a response where he is.
– No, he’ll complain that we’re watching him.
– Oh, no, auntie. We’ll be the 6 metrics to evaluate your website’s performance ones receiving text messages b2b fax lead with his coordinates, but he himself won’t see anything. He won’t even know!
– Oh! That suits us. Thanks, Piglet, you gave the old lady a hint. And I’ll always know where he is.