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Since we spend most of our day at work, eating together. As a team can be a fantastic way to promote well-being and happiness in the company . Want to know more reasons to implement this habit?

Eating together makes us happier


Why does eating in company make us happier?

The Oxford Economics study shows that eating together makes us happy , but not why. But if I stop to think about it for a moment, I can think of quite a few reasons why:

Meals are a good opportunity

To talk and share things in a relaxed atmosphere. Even though we are with our colleagues. We see them as a time of rest and relaxation and we interact in a more natural way.

We enjoy food more. Studies show that when we eat Europe Cell Phone Number List others, we spend more time eating and therefore pay more attention to what we are doing. Food can also be a great opportunity to have fun!

Group meals are associated

With family and friends , which strengthens the bond with other people.

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According to psychologist

Robin Dunbar, who spoke to The Guardian , sitting at a table with other people activates the production of endorphins , chemicals linked to happiness.

If we eat regularly with the rest of the team, we create routines and common moments, which strengthens our personal bonds.

For all these reasons and more, at

Cyberclick we have been eating together How to Build Telemarketing contact list Monday for over a year, after our weekly meeting. The company takes care of this meal, as we consider it a way to promote happiness in the team and to bring the group together. We tell each other our anecdotes from the weekend, how we are doing and things about work to start the week.

Every Monday we decide

Together what kind of food we’ll eat that day (although lately we’ve always opted for Japanese, haha). We talk, we laugh, we enjoy ourselves, and we have two little rituals that help us reinforce the feeling of being a team:

Share an example of something

That has happened to us and that represents one of Cyberclick’s three values: “Admire people”, “Always find a better way” and “Customer experience freaks”.


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