I have been working in IT for 35 years, training specialists for this field. Immiately after graduating from the university, as one of the best students, I was invit to work at the department, where I work to this day., including programming, and design of information systems, and disciplines relat to the preparation of multimia content. Under my supervision, more than 2,500 final qualifying works were releas in the following areas: “Appli Informatics”, “Information Systems and Technologies”. The scope of my scientific interests is relat to the development of information systems, including web development technologies and AI systems.
Women’s careers in IT
In my experience, it is different america phone number list disciplines easier for men to develop in this area, although the requirements for the quality of work perform are the same for men and women. There are still few women among IT managers. According to large companies, their teams are only 20-30% women. Here we can recall the number of female applicants to technical universities, and low salaries, and contracts with written guarantees due to possible pregnancy. It is no coincidence that feminist activity on the Internet is not abating today.
Course, we have women who have built a career
IT For example, Margarita Mikhailovna Blagoveshchenskaya is a doctor of technical sciences, professor, and member of the International Academy of Informatization. She is known for her work in the field of creating automatic digital devices. However, this example is an exception to the rule.
Working with students, I notice emotions in the b2b sector some mistrust and bias on the part of the student audience, especially in the evening and correspondence courses, where the majority of students are male and work in the IT field. It takes different afb directory disciplines a lot of effort to gain their trust. How can one not recall the famous expression from Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland: “It takes all the running you can do to stay in the same place, but to get somewhere else you have to run at least twice as fast!”