How to Drag Formula without Changing in Google Sheets

All Excel/Google Sheets users know how powerful these spreadsheet platforms can be. They aren’t just table apps that help you jot things down and showcase them. On the contrary, Google Sheets allows you to make your very own formulas and apply them to specific rows, columns, or cells automatically.

But what if you copy a piece of data to a cell programmed to use a particular formula? What if you want to paste information the regular way? Here’s the info you need.

Copying Google Sheets Formulas without Changing Cell References

When working in Excel or Google whatsapp number database Sheets, you’ll note that formulas won’t magically appear alone in other cells and for obvious reasons. Typically, you’ll enter a formula in one cell and copy it to others (usually in the same row/column). This makes sense, as you’re probably performing calculations that pertain to the same thing but in different instances (for example, days, weeks, etc.)

If your formula contains relative cell references, i.e., without the “$” sign, Google Sheets will adjust the cells so that each one operates on the data within its respective column/row. Usually, this is aligned with typical Google Sheets needs. However, in some instances, you might want to copy the exact formula version without changing any cell references.

Copying a Cell along with its References (Exact Formula/Cell Assignments)

The references will automatically change if you select a particular cell and copy and paste it into another. This is how Excel and gdpr: trust through data protection Google Sheets work. However, there is a way to copy/move a formula from a single cell without changing the cell references.

  1. Double-click (not single-click) the chosen cell containing references.
  2. In the ‘editing mode’ of the cell, select the cell’s contents by highlighting the formula containing references rather than clicking on the cell.
  3. Press “Ctrl + C” to copy the highlighted content. You’ve successfully copied the literal content, not the actual cell.
  4. Finally, select the cell you want to paste the formula into and press “Ctrl + V.”

Pro tip: If you want to move a cell instead of copying it, use the “Ctrl + X” (Cut) command.

Copying a Range of Cells as Fixed Formulas/Cell Assignments

Of course, you don’t have to copy/paste america email list cells individually. In most cases, you’ll move a range of cells rather than one. If your aim is moving multiple formulas at once, there are several ways to do it.

Option 1: Use Absolute/Mixed Cell References to Copy Exact Formulas

Sometimes, you want to make exact  copies of formulas with ‘relative’ cell references. The best way would be to change those references to ‘absolute’ (adding a “$” sign in front of every formula item). This locks the cell’s contents, making the cell static, regardless of where you move the formula.

You must use ‘mixed cell’ references to lock an entire column or row.

You only need to put the “$” sign before the column letter or row number to change a ‘relative’ reference to a ‘mixed’ reference. No matter where you move the formula, the “column” will now be fixed to the particular column you mark with the dollar sign.

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