America Cell Phone Number Example

For marketers, snack ads and bumper ads are both a challenge and an exciting opportunity. Let’s take a look at exactly what they are, how they work, and why you should consider including them in your brand’s marketing plan .

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What are snack ads and bumper ads?

In the world of online marketing , snack ads are “bite-sized” ads, that is, they last 10 seconds or less . A trend that is in line with keeping users’ attention in an increasingly saturated advertising market.


These are the most important features

They are specially designed to be viewed on mobile devices.

Videos must be no longer than 6 seconds (they can be shorter, but this would be very difficult creatively) and users cannot skip them.

Viewing the ad does not increase


The payment model is based on

CPM or cost per thousand , that is, the advertiser pays each time the ad is display a thousand times.

Google Ads recommends using these types of snack ads to increase America Cell Phone Number List awareness and pairing them with related TrueView ads, which are longer in duration and allow users to interact with different elements of the video, such as overlay calls to action, cards, or banners. TrueView and bumper ads should be created in separate Google Ads campaigns.

America Cell Phone Number List


Why are you interest in using snack ads and bumper ads for your business?

Because the numbers prove they work . According to a Medium article by Curtis Tredway , 89.61% of a video’s audience’s attention is fully engaged within the first 10 seconds, but that number starts to drop off after that: 80.41% at 20 seconds, 66.16% at 30 seconds, 46.44% at 1 minute, and 9.42% at 5 minutes.

Because the advertising market is becoming more more saturated

Users have more and more content demanding their attention and time, so demanding too much of either of these things usually doesn’t work. Snack ads and bumper ads, on the other hand, go by in an instant, leaving an easy-to-remember message.

Because they play in full

YouTube doesn’t allow users to skip Recent Mobile Phone Number lead ads, but they also play so fast that you barely have time to click the button in question. This format therefore ensures that the user will consume all the content and that the message will reach them in its entirety.

Because they work on mobile

According to data from YouTube, half of users between 18 and 49 years old use their mobile as the first device to watch videos. Video advertising has to focus on these types of devices to be effective. Because of their brevity, bumper ads are a very suitable format for this.


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