Why is it important to stop at this

The job of advertising is not to sell, but to create a cultural connection between the desires. Of the businessman and those of the public. —philippe michel the company featured in the .documentary is called cambridge analytica. And is to blame for a huge loss of reputation in digital advertising. A reality that leaves those of us who are dedicated. To marketing in a very bad position. However, not everything is negative and that is why. We are going to focus on those few positive. Things that emerge from that scandal. In the two hours of the documentary, some good conclusions are drawn that, enriched with other independent research.

Machines simply follow what

Serve to better use digital advertising. Mass advertising is not efficien. The first and b2b leads most basic thing we learned from the documentary. Is the high predictive levels that are achieved when an exhaustive analysis is carried. Out and people’s behavior is thoroughly documented. We all believe that we are being spied on, but in reality. Machines simply follow what we do and compare it with what others. Do to predict our decisions. That is to say, each of the movements we .make in the digital world serves to classify us as individuals. Why is it important to stop at this? Because it is clear proof that niches exist and that they.

Accepting this has a huge impact

 Are the correct way to advertise. Profile identification is the  new advertising .grail and – to be honest – there are few companies that invest time and resources in this subject. The consequences of recognizing this apparent. Obviousness is that we will .have to accept the existence of microniches. Accepting this has a huge impact on budgeting and UAE Phone Number advertising planning decisions . Ultra-segmentation will reduce the size of the population. And this decrease will force. Us to invest fewer resources in the channels to achieve the results. Also, this millimetric segmentation will improve the quality of the audiences.

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