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The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving – TRIZ – was develop , in the USSR in the mid-20th century. Its creator, G. S. Altshuller, was also the developer of the technology for the development of the creative personality (abbreviat , TRTL).

The concept and advantages of TRIZ

In 1946, Altshuller shop research , techniques that were popular among inventors of the time when searching for answers to important questions. As a result, he found 40 different methods, which later became the basis for TRIZ methods and techniques. The Soviet engineer also found that the best result is achiev , by using resources that are already available.

In the 80s of the last century, the theory of inventive problem solving was successfully appli , in the school  ,ucation system and in factories to improve productivity. Currently, TRIZ is popular all over the world – it is actively integration of sobot and it’s role in modern customer service us , by such companies as Toyota, Ford, Intel, Boeing, Kodak and other brands. It is also worth noting the existence of international, European and Asian TRIZ associations, which constantly hold conferences on this topic. And at the end of the twentieth century, the Altshuller Institute was creat , in the Unit , States, where the country’s leading specialists are train ,.

TRIZ is a set of methods design , to improve technical systems. Its application allows improving results in solving complex problems that require a creative approach.

At the same time, the canada cell numbers methods develop a person’s creative abilities and thinking. Many experts consider TRIZ to be the most effective system for solving problems, since its approach does not require evaluation and does not imply the presence of only one correct answer.

The use of theory is useful when the task of inventing something arises or a non-standard solution to a problem is requir , in the absence, ultimately, of associat , losses.

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