Market changes require you to keep up with all of them to ensure that the strategies are, in fact, the
best for what you need. With so many acronyms and novelties, it is very common to end up not
understanding the details of each one of them, but that cannot happen.
After all, do you know what and what are the differences between IaaS, PaaS and SaaS ?
The last option is a slightly more familiar term, isn’t it? But there are still many doubts about the
subject, and it is important to understand what each of them represents, their advantages and
disadvantages and, of course, how they can be applied in the reality of your company.
To take advantage of digital transformation, you have to adapt, right?
To help you understand more about these three concepts, we have prepared a comprehensive article
with everything you need to know.
What is IaaS and what are its advantages and challenges?
IaaS is an acronym for “ Infrastructure as a Service .” Its america phone number list main
function is to provide storage, memory, and processing to third parties from a cloud service .
That is, a company does not need to invest in a physical structure to create a local data center , which
implies lower costs and greater efficiency for the system as a whole.
All business information can be stored in a cloud, whether public, private or hybrid. This makes it
possible to reduce costs related to renting or maintaining spaces that will not be fully used.
Therefore, the organization will only have to pay for the space it actually uses, in addition to reducing
the threats posed by any physical structure.
At a time when remote work has gained more ground, and concepts such as “ anywhere office” are
becoming more popular, IaaS can be very useful for those companies that do not want to invest in
physical structures.
Thus, without losing security , it is possible to adopt a practical and agile solution that can
be accessed from anywhere.
What are the positive points and attention that IaaS provides? do-you-know
The main benefit of using IaaS is precisely data protection officer (dpo) can be a challenge the
possibility of paying only for what you use.
You won’t need to have a structure much larger than what you actually require to absorb the demands
of the business. In addition, scalability is another attraction, since it is possible to expand or reduce its
structure quickly and conveniently.
Cost reduction also occurs with the absence of the constant need for maintenance , since it becomes
the responsibility of the contracted provider.
This means that the security investments of the specialized company are greater and your company
can be sure that everything that is reported is protected.
Financial planning ends up being another positive point, since the company can organize itself more
efficiently so that investments fit within the stipulated budget .
Productivity is another benefit , as professionals responsible for the Information Technology area are
focused on other strategic activities for the organization.
Challenges do-you-know
But this concept can’t just be about find list benefits, right? There are some weak points that need to be taken into account to ensure that IaaS really delivers solutions for the business.
The first is an internal challenge: adapting processes and workflow across the organization. It is natural for this to happen, but it is a long and essential task to enjoy the benefits.
Another challenge that relates to the daily business routine is the integration of the cloud system with other tools and solutions that the company uses.
Without synchronization between what is used, all the advantages can be useless. This is an issue that needs to be closely monitored before making a decision on whether or not to use an IaaS.
When your company has a server in a room in the same building where the work is done, it’s much easier to have control, right?
Another challenge with IaaS is not having full control over protection, as it is a provider that offers this service. For this reason, it is essential to carry out an analysis before deciding so that the choice effectively benefits your business.
What is PaaS and what are its pros and cons? do-you-know
PaaS is also a remote infrastructure for organizations to outsource services for their servers, storage , or internal network.
A “Platform as a Service” application also allows the use of other solutions, such as data management systems, which is considered essential for Big Data , or Business Intelligence platforms .
With PaaS, the company can develop a solution to address internal processes, or even offer it to the market. By adding an interface focused on user experience , it is possible to customize the entire platform and deliver a solution to the market.
It represents a solution widely used by organizations that cannot invest in innovative software and tools.
What are the strengths and support that PaaS provides? do-you-know
The biggest benefit of using PaaS is the savings it generates, especially for smaller companies , which now have access to the latest resources, but without having to make large investments.
Can you imagine if an organization needed to make a series of investments, hire a team just to develop an application to be offered on the market?
It is not surprising that startups are using PaaS solutions to facilitate the development process, without worrying about maintaining an infrastructure to create solutions. With this peace of mind, the company can focus on business growth strategies, such as marketing and sales actions.
In short, it is possible to create ready-to-use solutions faster, without market-relevant products.
Another positive point is security, which is provided by a company specialized in the subject.
The possibility of scalability is also another attraction, since the company only needs to buy what it will actually use.
Cons do-you-know
As with IaaS, there are also challenges for the enterprise to make efficient use of PaaS – nothing that can’t be overcome with good strategic planning and a lot of order.
Chief among them, of course, is vendor lock-in, which may not have the expertise to deliver what the business needs to build an efficient solution.
Compatibility and integration are other relevant points for PaaS to be implemented correctly.
Nothing would help if the chosen solutions do not fit the systems and platforms that the company uses, right?