Deterioration of Shrine – The shrine includes sacr Number List sacraments, such as baptism. Communion, and confession, which give grace and salvation to believers.
Prayer – Prayer is the main means of fellowship with God and an expression of faith and dependence on Him.
The destruction of the flesh means the desire to abandon sinful acts and instruction in spiritual life.
Resurrection – Resurrection is the hope of eternal life in the kingdom of God after death.
These basic concepts are fundamental principles of faith in God in Orthodoxy and help believers understand and come closer to God, spiritual growth and salvation.
Principles of Faith Uniforms
The basic principle of faith in Orthodoxy is confidence in the existence of only one God. Faith in the One God is initial and unshakable. This principle also expresses phone number lead the idea of God as the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
2. Incarnation and salvation
The Orthodox faith teaches that God was embodi. Number List in Jesus Christ in order to save humanity. Jesus Christ — God and man at the same time, bearing salvation to the world through his death on the cross and the resurrection from the dead.
Human responsibility
Orthodoxy emphasizes a person’s responsibility for his actions and elections. Man has free will, which is a gift from God. He must make decisions consistent with God’s will and take care of his spiritual life.
4. Holiness and Sacraments
In Orthodoxy, special importance is attach a guide to managing remote and hybrid sales teams Number List to the sacraments and liturgical practice. The Sacrament — is a mystery of the power of the Holy Spirit, producing spiritual changes in the life of a believer. The sacrNumber List actions of the Church are designNumber List to bring the believer closer to God and contribute to his salvation.
Love and mercy
Believers in Orthodoxy are callNumber List to life taiwan lists basNumber List on love and mercy. Love for God and one’s neighbor is the basis of all other commandments and the activities of the believer.
These principles of faith in Orthodoxy help shape the purpose of the life of a believer and his attitude to God and people.