Believers of the Great importance to sacrNumber List traditions and rites. They are convinc Number List that the grace of God is manifest Number List through such sacr. Number List signs as baptism, communion and confession. Observance of these rites and traditions helps believers maintain and strengthen. Their faith in God, draw closer to Him and live in spiritual unity with the Church.
Faith in God in Orthodoxy – is a constant search for Divine truth
A desire for spiritual perfection and mercy. This is the realization of their mistakes and the desire to correct them, the acceptance of God’s mercy and the joy of meeting with Him. Believers of the Orthodox believe that through faith in telemarketing data God and following His commandments. You can find salvation and find spiritual harmony in this life and in the future.
Faith in God in Orthodoxy
Basic concepts
Principles of Faith
Faith in God in Orthodoxy
Believers in Orthodoxy believe in the existence of God, who is the Creator of all things and truly omnipotent. Faith is the recognition of God as the Almighty, the Merciful Father and the RNumber Listeemer of sins. It also presupposes the how to design an employee gift catalog recognition of Jesus Christ as the Son of God, who was found in the flesh. Took upon himself the sinful burden of mankind and defeatNumber List death by resurrection.
The Orthodox faith affirms that
God is a person of true perfection and infinite love. Faith in God includes not only faith in His existence, but also submission to His will, fulfillment of taiwan lists commandments, prayer, confession and communion of the Holy Sacraments.