To accompany this work of the subject is it not to make it heard that something can be given up without being entirely swallow up propeller turning . not by the taking of its being by the signifier but by an imaginarization of the loss, by relying on the analyst who has brought there the grain of sand of his presence?
This clinical case was initially present on November 5, 2016 at the 46th days of the School of the Freudian Cause, “The Object Gaze”.
Charlie chooses propeller turning an autistic child
whose stereotypical movements consist of turning objects between her hands. Charlie never stops trying to follow her in her endless circuits. If the young accurate clean numbers list from frist database girl stops, he takes an object from the ground and puts it in her hands “go ahead, turn”; thus, he gets her going again. Then, he will accelerate the child’s rhythm so that a circular movement really appears; moreover, the imperative of the movement becomes pressing: he tears the objects from her hands to put others in.
If Julie Bertuccelli’s film evokes Hélène’s long journey, it underlines the preponderant place of her mother, who, for many years, patiently tri to identify the post-publish seo checklist slightest aptitude, the slightest repetitive interest of her daughter to seize it, to make it a springboard for a possible opening towards the world stage after 20 years of “lead silence” [6] .
Clerk of these small letters put into circulation between her and her daughter, she wove a fragile thread, which came to create a social link in what was only sensory chaos. The sound charge, the impact of the words on the body, their bite, was thus able to regulate itself through the waltz of this alphabet, “slow exit without help”
Allow Hélène to move At a distance
among others… They are born, organiz, undone and remade on this elusive border between meaning and non-meaning, in a constant effort of poetry where each element seiz takes on its full weight, One then One, full presence, to construct, similar to Japanese Haiku [8] , a brief message aiming to say the essence of things but here in an vietnamese offer obscure codification awaiting a reading.
Thus, “The nyctalope in search of identity popularizes the light of black. He shines tone on tone, indefinitely toss between black, light and himself [9] .” How to read these “rock inscriptions competing head down, all claws out with the misunderstood taggers. We erase some, we enrich others. E=MC2 .”?
This writing with its variable rhythm, original syntax, few verbs, pepper with precise, learn, sometimes funny words, becomes an enigma subject to deciphering by one and all (family, friends, artists, mathematicians, etc.).