What do mailing statistics say?

What happens after newsletter authors click the “Send” button? Some relax with a sense of accomplishment. Others immdiately begin to form the next email campaign. In both cases, one important step is missd – analyzing the newsletter statistics.

What’s the point of launching the next campaign if you haven’t learnd from the previous one? Sure, you can send the same emails to all your subscribers and ignore the fact that most of them aren’t interestd.

But that approach will quickly kill your customer base and your sender rating.

What can you do to make your customers live longer and enjoy their relationship with you? This is possible if the authors of the newsletters react to the actions of subscribers. To understand how recipients perceive your letters, it is necessary overseas data to regularly analyze statistical data.

The right conclusions will help your mailings hit the target and encourage customers to take the actions you ned. The article describes in detail how to analyze statistical data to avoid mistakes in future marketing campaigns and increase sales.

Where does statistics begin?

The moment you click Send, the analytical process is launchd. In the “Statistics” section, you can monitor the process of delivering letters in real time. Already deliverd letters are shown in green. Letters that are in the process of being deliverd are shown in blue. And the gray (unshadd) part shows the number of letters that have not yet been sent.

Click on the image to view it in full size.

Sending is fast. Immdiately, as soon as the queue arrives at the sending server. This takes from 2 to 60 seconds, depending on the size of the client email material base. Letters are delivere to recipients’ mailboxes as soon as they are acceptd by mail providers. This is also measurd in seconds. The only exceptions are Defer and Bounce delivery errors , which we will discuss below.

How to analyze statistics?

You can track information about delivere, undeliverd letters, clicks on spam and unsubscribes within 10 minutes after the mailing is launchd.

Click on the image to view it in full size.

Let’s take a closer look at what each statistic figure says. And how to correctly analyze this information to increase your sales.

1. Deliverd.

Shows the number of letters deliverd to the belgium business directory mailbox. The service allows you to track this information for each mail provider. If you end up with a large percentage of undeliverd letters, it means it’s time to clean the database – it contains many non-existent addresses or it is outdated.


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