WiFi 5 clients immediately exceed 100ms, which isn’t ideal, while other devices stay close to 80ms 90% of the time. It could be better, but Next up is 4K streaming I suppose it’s still usable, especially since it was close to 100ms 5% of the time.
After that, I checked the impact that simulated heavy browsing had on the latency of continuous 1080p streaming, so in a sense the following test is actually a 10-device test. The graph shows that WiFi 6 and 6E clients again stayed very close to 50ms at least 9% of the time, while WiFi 5 devices struggled a little more.
The heavy browsing graph shows that three clients Next up is 4K streaming stayed below 300ms all the time, and two still had times slightly above 1s. This won’t affect the user loading the page, so I assume the latency is decent.
The most curious thing was the simulated afghanistan telegram data 4K streaming and heavy web browsing, as it seemed like the router worked a little better when it was under more load. And I won’t complain about that. Browsing was also more than decent, so all is well.
Moving on, I added a bit more variety and included download traffic. I ran it on two clients, each continuously downloading 10MB files, Next up is 4K streaming while the other two clients handled heavy browsing and one handled 4K streaming. And the performance was actually better than expected.
It’s actually better than the TUF-AX4200, and how to write a notice letter overall it’s the best performing router I’ve ever tested. Obviously, 300ms+ isn’t great for downloads or 250ms for 4K streaming, but it shows that with a little QoS, this router will do just fine with multiple clients. Overall throughput was also 538Mbps.
By reducing this, I allowed one client to aero leads handle download traffic, two for 4K streaming, and two for heavy browsing. And yes, there are some improvements, but the user will still have to make some compromises for good performance. The total throughput was 470.4 Mbps.