4 steps to understand your brand’s DNA

Brand DNA is not the logo or slogan that an organization has. Therefore, in order to find it, it is necessary to break down the genetic code of the entire company.

This is how you can do it!

1. Discover and define your unique voice 4-steps-to-understand

Every successful brand has three key traits:

  • can convince your potential customers;
  • is credible and;
  • is different.

If any of these three elements are missing, the telegram number list connection with the audience may not occur. There are several cases, such as Starbucks, in which the brand guarantees a much better customer experience in any establishment visited.

What causes the widespread feeling surrounding the brand is not an accidental action, on the contrary, it is totally deliberate and clearly established in the organization’s guidelines.

2. Know your brand 4-steps-to-understand

Your brand identity is a key tool in ideas for promoting restaurants using email newsletters. determining who your customers will be . Because the chemistry you have with consumers of a truly successful brand comes from both sides.

Many companies begin their journey through market research , marketing analysis, defining Buyer Personas , among others.

However, the most important question that can transcend the pragmatism of all this is: how can my brand meet the needs and demands in the best possible way to demonstrate that I listen to my customers?

One example of this is Levi’s , a brand that remains relevant generation after generation. Its authenticity and durability have continued to attract customers since 1853, from miners to hipsters.

Knowing who you are will help you evolve over time and attract potential clients regardless of the context or time.

3. Learn how and when to break the rules 4-steps-to-understand

A truly successful brand cannot be find list successful if the rules are not followed, that is clear. Consistency is the key when it comes to delivering a truly different customer experience.

Now, this doesn’t mean that a brand can’t “step outside the box” from time to time, but rather that these deviations should be for the greater good .

Over time, these boundaries will begin to define themselves and the brand identity will be able to consistently implement this action in each department and process.

A clear example of knowing how and when to break the rules is the case of Burger King, which, in the midst of the lockdowns caused by COVID-19 around the world, invited its customers to consume products from its largest competitor: McDonald’s.

This generated a truly impactful campaign and defined the organization’s personality in the face of an event of that magnitude.

4. Establish your brand voice with content 4-steps-to-understand

The content surrounding your brand, including your ambassadors —ranging from executives, marketers, store employees, and even customer service —should share a unified voice . However, this cannot be left to chance.

Establishing clear content guidelines is essential to maintaining consistency and continuity in your messages across all your customer service channels.

A successful brand provides its members with rules that maintain the tone, word choice, phrasing, and individuality of the organization in order to demonstrate consistency at every stage.

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